The Bathing Evolved Podcast | Episode 3 - Nutrition & Fertility with Laura Rüffer Aka Missbiohacker

Laura and Kaylee emphasize how important it is to sync up the natural rhythms of our bodies with those of nature in order to maintain good health. For example, melatonin is released when it's dark out in order to help us fall asleep while cortisol is produced when it's light out to wake us up. Without sufficient amounts of melatonin being produced due to artificial lighting at night, we may experience difficulty sleeping.

Furthermore, Laura shares her own experience with balancing her circadian rhythm after being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome many years ago. She was able to recover from this condition largely due to following a sleep schedule that kept her circadian rhythm in balance.

Overall, Laura and Kaylee urge people to follow Miss Biohacker on Instagram (@missbiohacker) for more information regarding biohacking their wellness journey as well as helpful tips for staying healthy such as reducing chronic fatigue through circadian rhythm synchronization and toxin reduction via nutrient consumption. By implementing such habits into one's lifestyle, they hope people can reap all the benefits associated with having a properly balanced biological clock and improved overall health outcomes.

The Interview:



Hi, welcome to the bathing evolved podcast. I'm your host Kaylee and today's guest is Laura. She is known as Miss biohacker. Today we'll be talking about health, wellness, and fertility. She is a nutritional scientist, and she likes to look at things from the chemical and molecular level and overall, how to balance the body for optimal health and well being. I wanted to ask you today, how did you get into health and wellness?


So hello, everyone. I started getting interested into nutrition first when I was 16. My doctor prescribed me the birth control pill because I had bad skin issues, I had acne. And of course, when you don't know better.

I went to the gynaecologist, and she said yeah, of course, you will just get the birth control pill to fix your acne. And shortly after started taking a pill. I gained like more than 10 kg of weight in half a year. I basically exploded and I was like something is wrong. Because of that little pill. Why would I gain weight from that it doesn't give me extra calories. And so, what's the reason? Why do I gain weight when I'm on the pill because that was obviously the only thing that changed. Then I started to research, nutrition and hormones also and oestrogen and what effects it has on our physiology on the female physiology. 

I quickly found out that I need to change something about my lifestyle. I first started to adapt my nutrition and change my diet; I was not really into fast back then I just tracked my macros and looked at I don't eat too much. I do my training and everything. But I was not too much into hormones and the cycle, the female cycle and everything. Such as the debt continue using the pill. But after two years of bad hormonal imbalances and bad mood swings, and I still just didn't feel good. I just knew that the pill was not good for me. 

So, I decided to stop taking the pill and I did that. After that my symptoms already vanished basically. However, I realised that health and nutrition is really my passion. So, I decided to become a certified nutritionist and just the normal training first.

I actually went to the army for two years in Germany, and when you're in the army in Germany, they usually support you of getting an education when you want to step back then I didn't know that the army is not really made for woman.

It was really not so smart for me to just do it before without really thinking about it. After two years, I left the army and then I started studying Nutrition Sciences and from that point on, I started working with different companies as scientific researcher. I developed nutrition plans for doctors and worked with clinics to better work with my own clients. I researched on epigenetics and did some additional certifications. 

Then I just realised that the current health recommendations, the basic health recommendations are not really useful when we see that so many people are metabolically unhealthy or have chronic conditions and yeah, something must be wrong that's what we're here for.

Is it to be nutritionists and health coach in Germany or Europe? What is the kind of nutritional guidelines there? I think I saw a photo one time like the health minister of Germany. She looked was like you can't be like really obese and be healthy. I think she was like someone who was obese, right? 

Yeah, she was obese, but the next one that came afterwards was even worse. when I hear the stories about America and the health care system, I think it's even worse than in Germany right. Regarding the recommendations from the FDA. But in Germany, it's also not good and not health oriented. 

It's just the big industries are really involved with the governmental guidelines and what they recommend. If people would follow it, and they do, they would not get better from it, the nutrition guidelines. And quickly when I did my first training for being a nutritionist, I went to an institution. Luckily, that already told us to think critically about what the government tells us, because obviously, it was a governmental institution. So, they're not allowed to say that. It's wrong, but the government tells us, but they just said, yeah, please really think critically about these guidelines and think a bit for yourself. And then I just slowly realised, okay, it's not optimal.

And you ask, how this working? In Germany, I never use this recommendation, obviously, what the government recommends these guidelines? And I don't know if you also have that in us a but we have governmental certified nutritionists.

Do you have that.?


To be Yes, certified? Well, there's different boards. I'm going to go through the board of the holistic nutritionist. They teach the FDA the food pyramid, but they also teach like, several different diets. They teach it from a holistic perspective, like what works for the individual. So, I'm going through that board there, of course, nutritionist degrees from the universities that are going to be focused on the food pyramid, a lot of the people who lean more like very conventional very like FDA, or the dietitians. 

They work pretty much within the medical system, because they're allowed to prescribe diets. Nutritionists aren't allowed to like purse, its weird terminology, but they can't like prescribe a diet to cure a disease. But dietitians can so that how it works there. Is that Is that similar there?


No. In Germany, it's a bit different. It depends on if you're a nutritionist, that certified from the government. If you're certified, it's called, I don't even know the name because I'm not interested in that.

But if your follow these guidelines, you obviously have to recommend the food pyramid and all these basic guidelines that they recommend. So, I said from the beginning, I will not even get that certification. I don't care about that when my clients want to work with me. They asked me for it, and they are not the right clients anyways. I only work with clients that already are a bit further that I don't want someone who's trained from that institution, to teach me how to eat or how to change my lifestyle. 

In Germany, if you want to prescribe medications, you have to be in a true path or a doctor. So as a nutritionist, I could not do that. But I also don't want to do that. If I work with, for instance, clients that need also perhaps prescriptions, then I would work together with a doctor that is like minded and that we work on the same page when it comes to hormonal imbalances, etc.


Yeah, it's important to work with some type of whether it's a naturopath or doctor, just to clear them if they're taking medications and stuff like that. I tell what I know, I used to live in Europe. I used to live in Switzerland, and it's a lot. 


Its really, please speak.


I know, a High German and system a little bit, not fluent. 

They're having to live there and having a husband who's Swiss German. He's taught me a lot. And I learned from the language apps on my phone.

Yeah, it's a lot healthier there. I think in Europe general. It's much healthier diets. I think in the UK, they start having a similar diet to America with a lot more processed food but like Germany, Switzerland lot they incorporate a lot more vegetables, more soup, stews. But one thing I've seen that's been like an epidemic in that country is the rap. So, the rapeseed oil, canola oil, everything there now.


It's every year. That's true. I mean with you already picked one of the best countries in Europe, when it comes to environmental health and food quality, I really loved it was so beautiful and so much nature. But especially in Germany, you can see their different economic classes also. It's just not so optimal for optimal health. If you want to go shopping here. I went to the battery yesterday to another battery where I usually would go, and there was the steak and it was really high-quality grass-fed steak, everything. But then I asked, okay, did you marinated? they said, yes, but vegetable. So why do we even go by CrossFit meat when everything's covered in vegetable oil, right?


Yeah, then it's just oxidising just like the conventional grain fed meat would oxidising in your body. Yeah, it's unfortunate a lot of things you just have to do at home. Now I can't really trust the local market unless it's reading the ingredients. Like whenever I see some type of like pastry, and it says on the label made with butter on like, oh, sigh of relief, you hardly see food made with real, real saturated fats anymore. Saturated fat causing heart disease myth has been debunked for so many years. 

It's because vegetable oil was released in mass and people, especially men after the Industrial Revolution in their 50s were dying of heart attacks and getting all these heart attacks. They wanted something to blame it on. They scapegoated butter when vegetable oil and trans fat was like a new thing on the market. 

These kinds of jobs that were like very high stress after the Industrial Revolution they were causing these heart attacks too in these men and yeah, it's just time that as a society as a world we just move on from the saturated fat causes clogged arteries myth, and I mean, yeah, maybe if it's grain fed, GMO cows with the rBST, the growth hormone. 

There's been a study that showed like such like, how much higher saturated fat that that actually has and the nutrition that saturated fat needs to not cause harm is in the grass fed butter so when it's accompanied alongside all the just junk that's in the conventional dairy then it can cause harm but when we have like real dairy and just real food that's not fed toxins then nothing none of that's going to harm type of fat is going to harm you if it's accompanied by the nutrients you need to process all that. So, what are your thoughts on very on dairy?


Yeah, it's also banned. Everywhere. I guess in the US a too is just not banned, obviously. But this Reagan agenda is what is pushed so badly in Germany with this series called Game Changers you heard about it on Netflix.


Yeah, theories? No, I haven't heard of that one. 


Yeah, doesn't matter. It's what I wanted to say. Just veganism has pushed so hard in all countries right now. So, it's really bad to say that milk is good and obviously I like milk. I prefer raw milk because I don't think we are meant to drink. homogenised or pasteurised milk because all the enzymes are lost, and we can't digest it so well. There are actually these early studies that prove that milk is inflammatory not all of them but a lot of them that did that with highly processed smoke and of course when our body can't digested and there are not the enzymes in there and we can deal with that. 

Of course, it costs inflammation in the body has also something in Rauma that's called alkaline phosphatase and it's highly anti inflammatory. The inflammatory agents for milk, they're balanced out with this phosphatase however, when they heat it and process it, the alkaline phosphatase is lost. Everything that is left is inflammatory so of course they can say milk is inflammatory, but it's high nutrients. It's delicious and it has actually some good effects on the body. So yeah, I wouldn't like to miss it.


What effects are those on the body that you would attribute to raw milk versus let's say conventional milk.


So, of course milk is high in nutrients, for instance, Vitamin A, fat soluble vitamins and we need that and calcium also the minerals and I think that a lot of people don't get the minerals they need from their diet. So, milk is a great way to increase their mineral intake and I've had soluble vitamin intake. But not only milk, also products made from milk like cheese, yoghurt, kefir, etc. I use them almost daily, because I think they're high in vitamins that we need and that we almost can't get from plant foods.

So, especially when we're talking about fertility, for a woman that's going to support her fertility and Hormonal Health, it can really help to include milk products in our diet.


Yeah, it there's a diet that I was trained in during my school and it's called the fertility diet and it actually includes ice cream in it. I tried to recommend and stick with Haagen dos. I like how they use real sugar. There's like some on a lot of the labels, especially the simple Haagen Daze it's like the vanilla. It's like five ingredients. It's so simple that's how it should be. 


Yeah, that's great. I heard that there. Haagen Daze that they're good too. However, they had to scandal last year. Did you hear about that?




Some bad ingredients in there. I didn't look it up. But yeah, perhaps I don't know if it's still relevant or not. But I heard that they had some broccoli problems with their ice cream. Yeah, there are some bad ingredients in there.


I wonder if that was applying to them like their regular vanilla because I know the like really kooky crazy flavours like cinnamon, I don't know cinnamon crunch, swirl, stuff like that, that has like corn syrup that has like a whole list of ingredients. But like the strawberry, maybe the chocolate that has like the real cream and the real sugar, there's no corn syrup in it. Maybe it was hopefully it was just referring to the kind of gooey.


About it, but I just wanted to let you know. But what's also great is to make self made ice cream with raw milk and

Do you a good ice cream raw maker. 

I don't have an ice cream maker, but I just mix it with egg yolk and raw cream and raw milk and with vanilla or something else and then I mix it insert and then I put it in the freezer and then assert again and put self made ice cream. But the truth be better known as true maker.


Do you have like a tutorial on how to do that on your Instagram or anything? 


Unfortunately, not. I'm not so good at making food videos. But they are creative cars for instance, ancestral nourishment on Instagram. They make great food tutorials and healthy baking two choices etc.


Ancestral nourishment I haven't heard of that one as a Supplements.


I heard about that. Yes. Is that not the brand from liver K ancestral supplements or am I wrong?


He was the spokesman for them and that's unfortunate that may Brian Johnson not I guess that was his company. I don't know if he was just the spokesman or if he was the owner. 


I think he was the owner of the company. I think so. I don't I don't


I'm probably gonna go through another company when I'm decide to, because I don't know I've tried liver like I've tried to introduce myself to liver. I didn't grow up eating it like I've tried it like a dozen times, and it seems like every time I eat it, it gets worse for me. I can't stomach it. I think Matt Blackburn just came out with a liver supplement like desiccated beef liver. I know there's like statuary and


yeah, right company. Or elk? Was it even?

Yeah, something like that. 




Can't eat a juicy deliver capsule. I do that too.


Yeah, do you eat much Oregon meat? 


Yeah, I grew up with it because my dad was a butcher. So, we had our own. We have a little farm; we have our own animals. When I was small, we always had a lot of organ meats. So, I don't think it's disgusting. I think it also depends on the quality of the meat strongly. Because once I bought beef liver in a shop and it was so disgusting, I could not finish it at all. But when I go to my farmer and ask him for the liver, and it's crossfaded it's from a younger crowd, and it's much better. And you also need to prepare and lots of, but I actually have liver tutorials on my Instagram. That's what I have.

You must prepare with Apple and onion and butter and garlic and turnips, and then it's so delicious.


I'll have to try that. I'll give it another try. I've also heard that people need to be introduced to a food like so many times to start like Yeah, I did do that with mushrooms. And I like mushrooms now my husband he cooked me mushrooms and like 10 different types of ways and still like it's until I could stomach them. And it wasn't until I had them in like a creamy white sauce with like, parmesan. Fettuccine Alfredo, that I started liking them. So, thanks for that tip.


How can you not anymore?


Sorry, what was that? 


How can you not like mushrooms? They're so delicious.


I know I grew up with my dad hated mushrooms. So just kind of anything my dad hated like fish and mushrooms and all of us we grew up not eating. Just because he can't even stomach the smell.

He told me a story one time when he was called in college had a lot of mushrooms. I'm not gonna say what kind.

sorry. After that he was so sick of them and couldn't even just couldn't even look at them again. So, I'm not high respect that now. He's psychedelic mushrooms. We're talking about obsessive.

I'm not gonna name anything. But now he's taking liver capsules for his ADHD. There was an hour all crisis recently or not crisis, a shortage recently, and he was affected by that. But just like I got off of ADHD medication, and it changed my life. That's for another story. But he did to recently and yeah, that's so good, because Adderall is it's so unhealthy for the heart and stuff like that. So now he's doing the mushrooms, not the psychedelic ones, but the ones that are like brain boosting like lion's mane and Rishi stuff like that for his brain health. So, I use some tool.

which ones do you use? 


I use karate Seep’s, then I use Rishi, and Lion's Mane history, and also, I use some flour.


How do you take them and what do you take them for? 


I used to take them in liquid form and just in my coffee or on my car or something. But now I'm just taking powder and I also use them for the brain boosting effects and effects on cellular health and antioxidant rich etc. And I just feel good with them. I'll also use them in a in a tea in form of a tea for sleeping better. And yeah, I'm always trying things, so I liked them.


I just started making a I like a hot chocolate blend. Or I'd rather call it a mocha blend because it can be added into coffee. It's not just for hot chocolate, but if it's going to be used for hot chocolate, then just adding some whatever your favourite sweetener is. It's a cacao and seven type of mushroom blend. I just started making that and so I'll send you a sample of that. I add some spices in it some warming spices. Awesome, great.

Yeah, I'm really excited to send you that and hear what you think. It's quite.


They're not psychoactive, right.


That's not legal. Is that legal in Germany? 


You can order them I mean, they're not legal but if you wanted you can order it.


Yeah, I'm not really into the psychoactive.


Yeah, it has to be careful actually. Even some plants can be so quite active about knowing it, that you know that even nightshades for instance Sedef nicotine in there in the night.


Yeah, I think Nicotine can be I think nicotine it can be quite beneficial in certain circumstances. But I think that people must be careful about which nicotinic substances they consume because there are some nicotinic products that contain additives which make that nicotine quite addictive and there's like physical withdrawals from it.


Products that contain additives which make that nicotine quite addictive and there's like physical withdrawals from it. I can like cigarettes via that I did that I tested that I tested a lot of things on myself, and I heard nicotine is good and accurate some good receptors in the body, so I just wanted to feel it. I took the wrong kind of nicotine, and I was completely addicted I use it every single day. And it was everyday like Okay, today it's really the last time but just one last time and it was like that every day for a year or so. But then I just did radical cuts perfusing nicotine and I just forced myself to not buy new ones again and really people should be careful with when they want to use it for brain boosting effects and focus on everything and it has some beneficial effects as, but they also really need to be careful with the addiction part of nicotine.


What product did you use that was addictive. 


I used to spray nicotine spray and it was a bit too strong for me. I guess it was like four milligrams and 4 milligrams quite a lot when you never smoked or took anything with nicotine before. Then I just, really felt that I could concentrate much better when I used it. So, every time a word or I wrote something, I used it, but then I thought, okay, obviously, the effect leaves after some time, and then I just took another one and another one. And then at some point, I felt like I could not concentrate anymore without it. That was done obviously in addiction, or sometimes I even woke up in the morning and thought, yeah, I already feel like I want some nicotine. 

Then I realised that I really must stop it because something that should just be like a nice addition to my already quite good focus. Turned out to be an addiction that someday and yeah, I just think it can be dangerous also.


I don't really consume it anymore. I used to be addicted to cigarettes. I got gum disease from it at 19 years old. I'm 26 What about you?


I'm 24. So, we're almost the same age.


Very cool. Yeah, so I've been cigarette free since I had the dental work done. Yeah, gum disease, it's easy to cure the dentist's just gives you a certain I know some type of gel. It was expensive though. But it was covered under my dad's insurance I was minor at the time. So still under his insurance and then it was easy for me to get off cigarettes. 

I'm very thankful I didn't have to endure the withdrawals because I had gotten wisdom teeth surgery. So, I was knocked out for like a week with, like drugs they give you for the pain, and it made me very, very sleepy. So, I basically slept through the withdrawal. So, I don't really, you know, have experience in like experiencing those withdrawal. So, I imagine that can be very difficult. Getting off cigarettes.


Yeah, I think so. Because I already found the withdrawal symptoms from just not taking nicotine anymore. I thought every day, should I still drive to the pharmacy to buy a new one should that should? Shouldn't, etc. So, I felt like already I was addicted. But how bad must be when you take 10 times the amount of that every day and then you try to get off of it? Crazy.


Yeah, and a lot of it with the smoking. It's not just the nicotine. It's like the oral fixation, the feeling of like the smoke going into your lungs and exhaling. I think a lot of it's a sensory thing like multi sensory experience. So that in the ritual, like people are like, what am I going to do on my break at lunch? Now, like, it's, so what I learned in behaviour changes, just implementing adding a new habit rather than focusing on what you lost, focusing on more what you can add in. So that's the exciting part on quitting a habit that's not serving you is, wow, what new things can I do now? What new things can I experience?


That's true, for instance, a 10-minute meditation instead of smoking a cigar? I bet most people would not do that.


I think that's what I started doing. That's I started meditating around that time. Yeah, I started like focusing intentionally on in being aware. And whenever my mind would go off track with the like I said, I got off ADHD medication. I had like, symptoms of ADHD, like just constantly my mind going somewhere not being able to focus or pay attention. 

I had been medicated for almost 10 years. I just started consciously focusing on what's going on, what do I need to focus on? And that was my form of meditation, just awareness, bringing awareness and train my mind to an I don't think I was even planning on getting off medication. 

Just one day I woke up and I had so much awareness I had so much like energy, my mind was so awake. And I was like, okay, I'm not gonna take it today and I never wanted to take it after that. So, the mind is so powerful in right. In all this wellness and health offend, gets really the key and centre of it because people can't hold you down and make you do these new habits. You must want to do it. You must be ready mentally to become healthy and strong. You have to be strong and healthy in your mind before you can be in your body.


Yeah, I absolutely agree with that, especially for most people, I think they would not be able to make such a change, just from their mind and just tell them salvia will stop it now and for that you really have to be very aware of what you're doing and what you want.


Yeah, exactly. Now, getting on to the next topic, I saw you have an interest in fertility. What are your thoughts on fertility? And why are the rates of infertility rising?


Yeah, good question. I think we could name thousands different things that are causing infertility nowadays, but I think the three biggest factors for reducing fertility is that we don't have the nutrients, or our body doesn't get the nutrients and the things it needs to get anymore. We are all or lots of people are nutrient deficient. 

The second point, the second factor that contributes to infertility is that we have too many things or too many substances in our body that shouldn't be there. For instance, all sorts of toxins. Let's say just tap water. People drink tap water and people have too much oestrogen in our body because of all the environmental toxins. Then they develop oestrogen dominance. 

The third part is stress. Because we just have too much stress, we put too much stress on our body. Of course, in a stress state, our body doesn't want to reproduce. 

That's what I think. And we can break stress down in in different kinds of stressors like mental stress, we have big, big increase in mental stress, we have pathogens, which also contribute to stress, but are usually not the cause. Because our body, of course, has an immune system, and we can deal with pathogens. But if there are too many stressors, of course, our body, the immune system gets overburdened, and can't deal with this stress anymore. And then yeah, we can see dropping fertility rates.


I wanted to home in on one thing you were saying. You mentioned tap water. What is it in tap water that you think is like making people sick and infertile? And answer that then I have another question for you on tap water after.


So, tap water, obviously, depends on where you live. I think in some places of the world, it's worse than in others. In Germany, for instance, they say you can drink the tap water, and it's no problem. But obviously, a friend of mine made the test with the tap water and you can still find high, high rates in there of arsenic and heavy metals and also, hormones. 

Because of all the medications and the birth control that Gods take. There are a lot of artificial ailments and their other medications. You find even radioactive substances in there. The problem is that they have limits, but everything that is below the limit, and they find that in the tap water, it's not a problem. 

They don't record that, and it just say, Okay, if it's not over that limit, the tap water is fine and even if you boil the water, they can still find then these heavy metals in there because there don't get too soft when you boil them. 

This is why when you really want to drink tap water, I would really filter it. Why would just not drink tap water at all and would get a good spring water here in Germany, we have some good, I don't know how it is and where you live. But yeah, that's something to be really careful about also the fluoride in the tap water. 

It interferes with the pineal gland; it cuts you flat classifies the whole body if you have too much of it. It can cause a really a lot of damage to your hormonal balance in the body because the pineal gland also controls the hormonal balance. There are a lot of reasons to not consume tap water anymore, and I didn't even speak about bacteria and parasites that they don't even test it for. I know from a client I heard you was working for a water testing company, and it has these houses and he said he would not even get showered on that as water because it's so full of Things You don't want on or in your body.


Yeah, we have a shower filter and it's infused with vitamin C. It's not like some fancy one. I think we got it on. I0t's on Amazon. I don't know why they add the vitamin C, I know that vitamin C is good for the skin, though. So that might be reason I was going to ask about the prescription drug problem if you'll have that in your tap water too. 

How would you get rid of like, what are the compounds in those prescription drugs that are kind of messing with us? And how do you get rid of that? I mean, besides like, just a filter for the people who don't have a filter like in their shower or their, their tap.


If they can't get a filter for the house, and I really would not drink the tap water at all. I would just not use it. I would just get a class bottled water. And look at the source. Spring Water of course, even in spring water, we find things we don't want to and imbalance minerals. But in my opinion, it's still better than drinking tap water and filtered tap water. 

Of course, medications all kinds of medications there. Everything can be in there that influences us, especially I think one of the biggest problems is still birth control because the hormone state can't get filtered. Then it's in the tap water and there's a great book. It's called oestrogen. Have you heard of that?


No. It's that's a book.


Yeah, that's a book. It's about that our world today is just flooded with oestrogen, artificial oestrogen. We really need to find ways to detox it from our body because it not only creates imbalances in women, but also in men and it makes men, female, because they also have too much oestrogen. Of course, that's a reason why fertility drops if fertility rates are dropping. 

One of the things he recommended was going to the sauna regular and taking balance like activated charcoal to eliminate excess oestrogen, but also, we already spoke about eating liver because liver has nutrients or choline, retinol, and pivotal moments to help deliver eliminate excess oestrogen that was something he recommended to support methylation and liver lesions. and liver detoxification.


So, your top recommendations for detoxing the excess oestrogen would be saunas, organ meats, and what else and what foods do you think are best for binding excess oestrogen.


Just sweating in general also from sports and then taking vulnerable with like activated charcoal? There's something famous called a raw carrot salad with coconut oil. It can also eliminate excess oestrogen but also just fibre rich foods in general. I think the carrots are really good tolerated by most people. 

So, I would go for that. Rocklin carrot a day keeps the oestrogen away. I mean, oestrogen is not. It's also not bad for your hands needed, especially woman but just the access of it and the artificial oestrogen has been shown to cause a lot of problems in physiology. Regarding foods, they are also the fat-soluble vitamins that can help balance the oestrogen levels in the body especially Vitamin K, Vitamin E and, of course, you can supplement it, or you can just try to get it from foods. I tried to eat cod liver oil. I take that for the fat-soluble vitamins. Also, for vitamin D. or cheese is rich in Vitamin K, especially all the animal products are great for that. That's what I would do to combat excess oestrogen.


In America, there's a lot of pesticides here. It was shown that this pesticide called Atrazine would change the genders or the from a turn males and females and I think that the pesticides could definitely be linked to. Well, I know it's been linked to infertility. There are these great farmers that when pesticides were first introduced, who were formerly very fertile, they're Mexican and usually Mexican people are very fertile especially because they eat so many Beans and beans have a certain compound in them that boosts fertility. But they started farming grapes in California and they lost their ability to conceive. 

What do you think that we could do to combat pesticide exposure is some things we can do to help detox those from our body.


So, first of all, what I will do is try to not consume pesticides, and food that was sprayed with it. There's something called the Dirty Dozen. There's a list you can Google that think it's about 20 fruits and vegetables that are extremely proud to be contaminated by pesticides. 

The second thing that people can do is to soak the fruit and vegetables and baking soda, because it can basically get rid of it. But you also get rid of some vitamins and minerals a bit. But it will still help you to not consume the pesticides. 

The third thing you can do I know that this is true for glyphosate, if you consume that your body needs extra class in because your body just confuses it with class in your body, and then it uses it for the glyphosate and it binds to it. But if you eat extra class, and you can help your body get rid of the glyphosate and I was also reading a study about especially about glyphosate, that it reduces the mitochondria in your body, and it reduces your cellular energy. 

Because it basically kills the mitochondria, I have a post about that on my profile of colonies, mitochondrial colonies were never exposed to glyphosate, and you can really see big difference on the pictures that were exposed to glyphosate. 

So, just try to avoid at all costs and grow your own food if you want to be sure. But of course, not everyone can do that I know that I also when I'm travelling, I also don't grow my own food. So just try to get to know your farmer if he's using it and buy organic produce if you can.


One thing that has helped us reduce pesticide and toxic exposures. You can't always do this. But search like organic food near me on Google and the closest like health food restaurant, or maybe like a health food grocery store and they may sell like hot food or like deli sandwiches, stuff like that. 

You can do that while you're travelling you don't just because you're travelling does not mean you need to eat a truck stop and eat all the food with the crappy ingredients. I've had to do that sometimes they're not every town, especially the towns in the south United States. I was surprised how there's not a lot of healthy eating there. 

But can't always do that. But whenever you can try to search organic food near me or seasonal restaurant near me where they have seasonal vegetables included in their menu. What would you say is like the difference between maybe American burgers and short American McDonald's and German McDonald's is there that same kind of like better quality than American fast food.


I don't know much about American fast food. But what I know about McDonald's in Europe, they used to back the fries once and beef tallow, but by now they just do everything with vegetable oil, and the food and the meat. It's highly processed. 

So, they even use meat like what they didn't need from the meat and bones and everything. They just mix it all together to make a burger out of it. So here in Europe, McDonald's would be the last meat I would consume. If I would have to starve otherwise, and I would eat at McDonald's and I would take activated charcoal of it to just make sure that the toxins don't get absorbed so much that I eliminate most of them again, hopefully. 

But do you think there's a big difference in US and Europe?


Yeah, a lot of the pesticides are banned in Europe. That's true, the US. Canada has similar food quality as Europe, but I mean there's a lot of like, unhealthy people and unhealthy diets still and processed food and I think it’s getting worse in Europe. They're banning the chemicals. But now they're doing all this vegetable oil, this vegan propaganda, which is just so inflammatory on the body. 

what do you think about the effect of vegetable oil and plant milks and the like vegan kind of like oils effect on the body?


I think they're toxic, and that people should avoid it as much as possible, especially when you just look at these oils, they're unsaturated. What happens when you heat them is that they oxidise, and they become trans fatty acids. 

Our body can't see the difference between stable and healthy fatty acid and a toxic fatty acid that is already oxidised, like the trans fatty acid. It still uses these fatty acids to build it in our cell membranes, which then become dysfunctional because we can't let a nutrients and oxygen into the cell and the toxins out of the cell, because they're made up by trans fatty acids. 

Especially this plant monks that are pushed so hard at the moment. They usually contain canola oil, or MCT oil or sunflower oil. You basically eating your drinking toxin mug if you really consume that and think that's more helpful. Obviously not you and speaking to the potential vegan that listens to this. 

So yeah, I would really not drink that and it's crazy how a market is marketed as healthy and good milk alternative. It's basically full of processed foods that are not healthy at all for the body.


Yeah, I've heard the effect of trans fatty acids. It's like putting a lock. Like ourselves, it's like a keyhole. It's like putting a key through the lock, and the key breaks in so no one can get through that that door anymore. We kind of heal. 

How can we heal ourselves of the effects of trans fats if we're just learning this information now? Or if like someone was travelling, and they had to consume some of the stuff with the trans fats for a period? How can they heal their body from that?


So, first of all, I would obviously stop eating them and then I would try to eat healthy fatty acids that are for instance, in meat. Meat contains healthy fatty acids, unprocessed fatty acids, and don't take any of these seed oils or vegetable oils or anything like that anymore and don't eat unsaturated fatty acids. Even meat contains unsaturated fatty acids, but it's usually protected by antioxidants and also Vitamin E for instance, a strong antioxidant which can prevent the oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acids and when you look into nature, everything that is unsaturated our comes with an unsaturated fatty acid, usually also has antioxidants around that protects the oxidation of that. 

Only when we make vegetable oil or seed oil, we stop or we just get rid of the antioxidants and then of course, it gets oxidised and harms our body. So, this is the first thing I would do. 

The second thing is you can increase your fat-soluble antioxidant intake like Vitamin E for instance, which can help decides to cover from unhealthy fatty acids or from oxidised fatty acids.


Yeah, I just saw that. Vitamin E has a positive effect on fertility. Matt just shared that study on his Instagram. So that was interesting how we've been talking about fertility and learning about fertility and mentioning the vitamin E and that's a key role a key antioxidant. I think it's important that people are taking the multiple tocopherols the vitamin E is called a tocopherol but there's like alpha, Gamma.


I agree with you. I also took that vitamin E supplement where I made sure that the different types of vitamin E are in there. Do you know this other term for which I mean II e form which is not tocopherol Do you know what I mean?


No, no What is it.?


Took with you, took a shower. I don't know. I have.




You know what I mean?


Tell me about that.


That's just another form of Vitamin E and this is why when we just take the isolated form, we really need all the different forms of vitamin E and not just one of them.


Which vitamin E supplement? Do you recommend or that you take?


I don't even know the brand that I'm taking.


I am glad that Matt just came out with a supplement that is a smaller form that you can kind of do with the dosage what you want and kind of throughout the day, and that has the most multiple tocopherols I don't think that has the tocotrienols I'm not sure really. What company does sell the tocotrienols. I know there's some companies out there but I haven't started taking those yet, but I definitely want to get more into that.


Yeah, I should, I don't know about these different forms anymore.


I heard it's more of an unsaturated but it's also like more like potent in some ways. It was found in what is it a natto and Natto is a plant that is actually use.


what do you talk about?


A Natto is a plant that is used for food colouring and a lot of the special mac and cheese or like instead of the yellow dye they use a natto but that is a source of tocotrienols too.


Oh crazy I never heard about them.


Yeah. Well, I wanted to ask you what some signs of optimal fertility in men and women I’ve are heard, like a good amount of hair long hair is a sign of fertility. What are some other signs?


So, like you just said hair, strong nails, and good-looking glowing skin. I was speaking about woman or both man and woman.


Yeah, well we can talk about what are some signs in women. What are some signs in men? In outward signs and also some inward signs.


So, for women it's great to track their cycle, the natural cycle. I do that with a thermometer to see if I ovulate and yet keep track of my cycle, you can also track the cervix. I don't know if you've heard about that, that you can track the mucus of the cervix to see in which cycle phase you are.


I've heard of that.


Yeah, I do that. I actually have a book right next to me about a topic, just reading that, but it's in German, unfortunately, and explains these different cycle stages and mucus how changes over the cycle. So that's a great way for a woman to track the cycle and see how if their hormones are balanced or not. 

Then another sign of good fertility in woman is, obviously when they feel more, let's say, sex drive, when they ovulate, that's also a good sign and woman, usually, around the time when they're ovulating should just have a higher sex drive and after that the luteal phase, the sex drive usually decreases again, and it's not as high anymore. 

For men, it's very different because they have a 24 cycle and not like woman and have the testosterone and they usually feel like woman when they ovulate every day and that's crazy for a woman to imagine that right. That every single day, I could not imagine. Yeah, and then for men, a good sign for to be fertile is obviously if they have good erectile function, especially in the morning. 

If everything's working there, because a lot of these fertility support, supplements or therapies are aimed for women, but they forget that a lot of men are infertile too and that it's not always the woman that is the problem of the fertility issues. 

So, temperature should not be too cold. I always say a cold body is sick body. If the temperatures below 36.88 should not be below that. It's not good. Actually, women can track their cycle if their temperature increases around 2.5 degrees when they ovulate. That's a good measurement for a woman that that the body temperature should increase. 

This is also how you can track your cycle with a thermometer. This is how I did it for years now. I really liked the method because you also just get to know your body better. Now I'm in my luteal phase where I'm more prone to mood swings, and it's just normal that you don't want to do so much. When you're in the follicular phase, you want to do more, you're more energetic, etc. I think that's great for a woman even if they want to use it as contraception or if they wanted to use to perceive that's a great way for them to get to know their bodies better and listen to their cycle and their body.


Yeah, I've always tracked mine from the day of the month, kind of knowing what's the best day to have relations with my husband. To like space out my children because I have two right now I just had one two months ago. I don't want to conceive. I don't want to conceive too early because that's going to use 20 of my resources like my minerals. I need to spend the next couple of years building my minerals, again, my vitamins, balancing my hormones because my oestrogen is like crazy low right now. 

So, it's for my best and the next child's wellbeing even for their physical appearance having too many children close together can affect the child's physical appearance and there are certain things like their eyes I don't know if it would if it's like their eyes are too close together or their eyes will be more far apart. 

If they're too close together just for everyone's wellbeing on spacing them out at least two years. Is the best so I go by the day of the month and I know always in on my birthday is my time at the month. So, I try avoiding like, those like six days, like three, three to four days before or like three to four days after like being, extra cautious and using some sort of like natural. If we're using like a type of contraception, that's like, we're not going for like the big box brands of like condoms. 

It's more like the there's more natural brands that use like, I guess the type of vegan latex and apparently the vegan latex is less sensitizing to down there was a lot of information, but the paper on the topic of fertility, so kind of talking about what we do to help prevent a pregnancy when before the optimal time to do so. 

So yeah, I used to be on birth control. I was young, I did that for painful cycles. But what we've talked about, and all the tips we've presented can prevent painful cycles. I don't even feel my cycle anymore. Meaning like my time of the month. I mean, because our cycle it's not just time of the month, there's like the increase in progesterone during the was that like the luteal phase and then the follicular phase that's like a rise in oestrogen to thicken the lining. 

So, it's not just like cycles, not just menses, there's a lot to it. There are different herbs that you should take in different foods or seeds that you can eat during the different types of phases to benefit those  phases. I know someone who was battling infertility for years and she started posting on her Instagram, she was like, I started, I went to a naturopath, and I've been in fertile for five years and I was prescribed seed cycling then like one or two months later she got pregnant. 

So, it's incredible the fact that food and chemicals and food I'm not saying like chemicals as in like that for you. I just mean like, everything's like a chemical. So, like just the compounds and foods herbs has on the effect on her body and the hormones. Yeah, just there can be a really rigorous protocol for someone who has issues like amenorrhea, which is when people don't get they’re their menses, for whatever reason. 

Usually, it's due to stress or over exercise. But with the PCOS and endometriosis, it can be a little harder, trickier to get back on track and more rigorous because with people who are losing their periods, merely because of stress and over exercise, you just stop over exercising, you take some adaptogens you meditate, breathe deep breaths. What do you think about how can we help the epidemic of PCOS and endometriosis? What are your like top tips and overview of that?


So, my top tips are obviously to support the body with the nutrients it needs because a lot of them what assaults on my clients is that they just don't eat nutrient dense and that they should really focus on eating really nutrient dense and especially also fat soluble, vitamin dense and Vitamin etc. diet and what they should also consider. 

So, I know some women suffer from that cysts and that can prevent fertility too. What has been shown to help with that is something like not too that's an enzyme that can help break down these cysts and also other enzymes like serrapeptase Have you heard about it?


That is in the dissolve that all supplement from mighty life. I know we've talked about my life so, much and the guests we had on before he changed his life with the CLF protocol, which is like the minor life protocol that's so interesting. We talked about all these supplements and there's like just a central website, that central company where you can get all these supplements that will just really benefit most people, if not everyone, because the soil is so depleted and we're getting sprayed with all this weird stuff in the air, something in the water.


That's true. I totally agree. It's really crazy that all the nutrients that we almost get depends on where we live and how the food is prepared, and our soil was but so much depletion of good nutrients. Where were we what else the PCOS tips to support the cycle. What I also saw that a lot of women that suffer from PCOS, that they have an oestrogen or progesterone imbalance, and that they have too much oestrogen. 

They cannot build enough progesterone. But I found helpful with that is actually just Akkadian with them is super dis aligned. When we look more closer to circadian rhythm, we see we perceive eyes to our light to light then sent a signal to the brain to the hypothalamus, where all of our hormones and nervous system is regulated and this then gets sent to the pituitary gland or the pineal gland, which releases hormones or stops hormones from being released. 

A lot of people are they don't have a very good circadian rhythm anymore and they have too much blue light at night and not enough natural light during the day. So, the body gets a sickness that it will produce cortisol because things it's midday, but in reality, it's night and they want to sleep but then they don't produce melatonin, which is also strong antioxidant and let us help recover during the night and human growth hormone should be produced where we rejuvenate. 

It's also really important for fertility. But because of this circadian mismatch, all of our hormones and the nervous system is completely imbalanced that can lead to infertility to actually even sun and UV has been shown to increase fertility and it's crazy that's also why most people are more fertile during summer than in winter. 

Because they get more UV, they're more on the natural light with their skin. What they can do is just to support a circadian rhythm again, to go more out and the natural light during the day because 90% of the time of our day, we are indoors actually. We're never outside and when we are outside, usually only with our face, or we even wear sunglasses or cover or face some cream and with the media also plays a role in that. 

Because we can't produce enough melatonin, sorry, but Jimmy Dean of melatonin, and that also interferes with the sex hormones and cholesterol because all the sex hormones are based on cholesterol and sunlight also helps to convert them together with nutrients like retinol. So, we have to make sure that our body gets all of the sickness it needs to be even able to reproduce.


Yeah, a stressed out or depleted body can't really carry as healthy of a pregnancy as or even any pregnancy. In many cases we're seeing today with the rise of infertility as a nourished body. I read today how cortisol or excess cortisol because we need cortisol, excess cortisol can be so detrimental to the fertility hormones. How can we support healthy cortisol levels?


So, first of all, when we look at hormonal cascade, there's the base cholesterol, which we all need to build the sex hormones but also to build cortisol. The problem is if we have too much stress, the body uses the resources it would usually use to build progesterone and oestrogen and testosterone but makes cortisol and stat out of these nutrients that we would usually need for something else. 

So, stress itself is a big factor in reducing progesterone and increasing cortisol. But also as I already mentioned, cortisol gets stimulated by blue light, and whenever we are exposed to blue light, we start producing cortisol because this is the time of the day usually midday when we are most focused concentrated, which wakes us up which also stops melatonin from being released and just gives us the signal to be alert, awake and not tired in the morning anymore which is great, as you said, we also need cortisol. 

But the problem is we have, first of all too much stress and also too much blue light that always triggers the cortisol release. We are almost more in the much, much more in the sympathetic nervous system state than in the parasympathetic nervous system state that leads to too much cortisol being produced. What we can do, what I would always start with is to stop the circadian mismatch by just eliminating this blue light, especially at night, like I do right now with the red light device in the background, that I'm just not surrounded by so much blue light at night, because it's, yeah, almost sleeping time. 

Then I don't want my body to feel stressed because of all the blue light that produces cortisol in the body and also to help the body get back to good circadian rhythm is just to go out in the morning. Exactly, then when you wake up, you go out, you just look at the sky to align your circadian rhythm again and give your body the right sickness to produce cortisol at the right time of the day.


That's very interesting. I heard of a study that showed that even when you're blindfolded, or when the participants of the study were blindfolded, they still couldn't sleep with all the blue lights on. So, it's interesting the effect of light on our body that interacts with our cells, and on a hormonal level. 

Even if our eyes are not directly looking at it, it can still affect the chemicals in the body. I actually had my article featured on this terrible website, which is an infrared light company like the ones that get hot, that can promote further detoxification from the heat and the sweating. My article was how to regulate your circadian rhythm with red light. 

So yeah, red lights a big thing. Talked a lot about that on the last episode of the podcast, in the different types of red light, there's like the gamma red, which is red light that we can have around us at, like any time of the day, and it uses less electricity. But it's not heated, like the infrared, the infrared is promoting more sweating, detoxification, but it's hot. Can't do it all the time, uses more electricity. 

But yeah, there's definitely benefits to both how we can use just a multi-sensory approach a multifaceted approach to our overall wellbeing like food environment, there's many ways we can, like you said, reduce excess cortisol and promote a healthy hormone balance. But do you have any final thoughts? It was really good having you as a guest on our podcast, and it's been really fun talking to you.


Thank you. So yeah, I think the final thoughts are that we should really be aware of what we put in our bodies, and that we really try to reduce the toxin exposure as much as possible, but also to support our own body with nutrients to help the body eliminate these toxins that we are not meant to have more in our bodies, and especially not at these high amounts. And yes, we already just spoke about really supporting the circadian rhythm can make big changes in the body, hormonal changes in the body. 

Especially when it comes to fertility for men and woman, I was reading a study to just have to add that for men that they could fix aerogel dysfunction with UV light exposure. So just saying that's a few will add or two slides in general or threat light, we can really do a lot for our fertility.


For people who may not know what the circadian rhythm is, could you explain that before we before we wrap up,


of course, so the circadian rhythm is the 24 hour, day and night cycle that we're exposed to by the sun. And it influences our biological clock, and which basically gets the light signals from our environment to tell us how to respond to performance and in our system, because our body always needs to know what time of the day it is to release for instance, melatonin and to fall asleep, or cortisol to wake up. 

As you also just said, it's not only through our eyes also our skin cells have photoreceptors where they can sense light with and, and your sense of we're in a light environment or if it's dark, or if you should sleep. And if you don't expose through artificial light at night in front of the TV, or you have light bulbs on when your body is trying to sleep, then it will probably not work because you can't produce melatonin in sufficient amounts.


Yeah, then it can be helpful at night. If people are watching screens or TV to have either the blue blocker glasses on or what I do with my phone is there's a blue light blocking mode, which is called like night mode or nightlight, and it makes the screen yellow, and I just always have that on. 

I practically never have light on my phone for years. I've just kept it on because there's enough blue light from fluorescent lights. I don't need the extra for my phone. So yeah, this was an interesting topic. It's been big for me, reducing chronic fatigue. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome many years ago, but I just recovered from that. 

A big part of that was balancing my circadian rhythm. I remember I was staying with my grandma; she was nursing me back to health when I was like, in mobile, basically unable to work from the chronic fatigue. My grandma said to me, noticing I was waking up way late in the afternoon saying you've got your days and nights mixed up. 

You need your circadian rhythm back in balance, and so I started working on that now I have a good sleep cycle sleep schedule. So yeah, it was it was great talking about all of this. This was so interesting. Everyone follow Miss biohacker on Instagram, check out her content, and I hope people can really benefit from that. I know I have. So, thank you for coming on.


Thanks for having me.

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